Traditional approaches, innovative methods based on artificial intelligenceAnd
analysis of human-robot interaction
The annual congress of the Italian Society of Clinical Movement Analysis (SIAMOC), now in its twenty-third edition, arrives again in Rome.
The SIAMOC congress, like every year, is an opportunity for all professionals working in the field of movement analysis to meet, present the results of their research and stay updated on the most recent innovations regarding procedures and technologies for movement analysis in clinical practice.
The SIAMOC 2023 congress in Rome aims to provide further impetus to an already excellent Italian research activity in the field of movement analysis and to give it further breadth and international impact.
In addition to the qualifying traditional topics concerning basic and applied research in the clinical and sports fields, the SIAMOC 2023 congress intends to explore further topics of particular scientific interest and impact on society. Among these topics is also that of the job placement of people with disabilities also thanks to the exponential diffusion of collaborative robotic technologies in the clinical-occupational field and that of innovative prosthetics to support people with amputations. Finally, the topic of new artificial intelligence algorithms for the optimization of the real-time classification of motor patterns in the various fields of application will be addressed.
The scientific and organizing committee of the congress are doing their best to organize an event that can further facilitate the clinical application of instrumental approaches for movement analysis. This with the aim of allowing a better evaluation of patients with motor disorders and a more focused planning of rehabilitation, pharmacological, surgical, prosthetic and ergonomic treatments.